Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights implicate that all people should have the right to decide if and when they are ready to start  family
Infertility; The Situation in The Gambia Women in the Gambia are often not encouraged to seek medical help. Fertility care, if available is very basic. Medical staffs are often already overstretched and infertility is not a priority. Infertile women may be wrongly or over prescribed with fertility drugs or even treated with unnecessary or harmful procedures such as D & C. Sexual en Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) Sexual and reproductive health and rights involves tackling problems such as female genital mutilation (FMG), polygamy, child mortality as well as infertility. All people should have the right to decide if and when they are ready to have children. Even though the right to sexual and reproductive health care is an integral part of human rights adopted by the international community, infertility in Africa often still remains a neglected health issue. WHO Call to Action During the Global Summit on Safety and Access to Fertility Care 2018 the WHO emphasized on the inequality of this situation and stated that ‘Every human being has a right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Individuals and couples have the right to decide the number, timing and spacing of their children. Infertility can negate the realisation of these essential human rights. Addressing infertility is therefore an important part of realizing the right of individuals and couples to found a family.’ (WHO Factsheet on Infertility 2020)
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